the tao of jaklumen

the path of the sage must become the path of the hero

Exercise #63: The Oracle’s Dilemma

Cimmorene has come up with another story as we slowly reveal our hidden world of the Four Kingdoms, an epic fantasy that speaks of social justice, mercy, and redemption. Like many stories of high fantasy, we touch on many elements of the Monomyth cycle, or “Hero’s Journey”, expounded by Joseph Campbell.

Cimmy's Stories

Exercise 63 Instructions

WARNING: This post is more than 1700 words long.

Ashsula walks down a path lined with granite slabs. Trees stand around her at intervals, seeming to beckon her forward with their branches. A light breeze catches at the long, brown tresses beneath her hood and plays with the hem of her gray robes. At the end of the path stands a marble courtyard in which two small, white marble basins stand. Light reflected in them tells her there is water in both. A small girl child stands between the two basins also garbed in a long gray robe, identical in all respects to the one worn by Ashsula, save that the hood rests against the child’s back rather than being up, as is the custom. The breeze tugs at the blond curls she has allowed to obscure her face and at the fabric of the gray…

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Haikus reveal a hidden Heroes’ Journey

A December haiku challenge for the epic fantasy genre from Rob’s Surf Report via SciFi Haiku: Babylon 5 at Laith’s Ramblings

I present not just one haiku, but three:

Cytropus’s eye
Will gather Ogg’s children home
By means none expect

Gracia and Daedin
Father Sky and Green Woman
Justice and mercy

Half-breeds, all of them
Each born humble and oppressed
Shall be champions

— based on the unfinished Redemption of the Four Kingdoms series by J.R. (jaklumen) and J.A. (Cimmorene/wavemistress) Pratt

If you would like samples of the work so far, please let me know by the contact form or please make a reply here– I will either send them to you or make them part of future posts.  Let me know what you’d like! Thank you.