the tao of jaklumen

the path of the sage must become the path of the hero

Procrastination, Perfectionism and Blogging Perspective


SanitySign-PP-crossing (Twitter)

I came up with this image to illustrate the topic for Trauma Recovery University‘s topic this week (which includes the #CSAQT and #sexabusechat Twitter chats as well as their Google Hangout video).

I was going to edit it into An Artist’s Journey: Get the Balance Right! but decided to give the image a post of its own, particularly after reading about the Community Pool at the Daily Post.  I figured it would be good to make some space here for bloggers to offer some feedback; I’m still trying to figure out what I must be missing after 11+ years of blogging and several reworks!

A few of you have been very kind to offer some feedback recently, but I could still use some help, dear readers.  Please be gentle; perfectionism and procrastination really is a stumbling block for me- not just in blogging.

What can I do to invite more conversations with you here?

Or am I just lost in my own little world?  (That’s okay; they know me here.)

Please let me know, in the comments below.

Author: jaklumen

Wherever you see "jaklumen", that's me- the username is still unique as of the current year. Be aware that the facet you see, is only a small part of the me that is me.

10 thoughts on “Procrastination, Perfectionism and Blogging Perspective

  1. I wish I could give you any pointers, but that’s an issue I have as well. Many people will just read, and many will leave a dead-ended, though often well-meaning, comment. Less people leave something of depth, and are willing to have a conversation regarding the post material. I think it really depends upon the reader, but I’ve heard it helps to end the post with a question.


    • ah yes- the blog prompt. I’ve actually been chided by a blogger for not using one. I’m trying to use them more often, although they don’t seem to feel natural, or intuitive– and yet, I’m not sure I can tell a difference.

      I understand the style is there to spark and encourage discussion. But I’ve always wondered why readers didn’t feel comfortable commenting if there wasn’t one.

      Speaking of – “jak & Cimmy’s Journal Jar” is essentially a blog FULL of blog prompts- we started it as a VOX group as an alternative to the platform’s Question of the Day. This blog, I’m sure, is that word isn’t out much on it, and we don’t have a singular identity attached to it (no Facebook, Twitter, etc. for just that blog).

      Ah well. Thanks for your support and thoughts regardless, my friend!


  2. It’s so hard to predict or understand what makes one blog more popular than another. It’s not an obvious reason/s and what works for one blogger may not work for another blogger. There are readers who will be loyal no matter what but it’s tough to get new readers. One thing that has helped me is social media (particularly Facebook) where I can share my posts from my blog.


  3. People like to help and feel like their help is valuable. I suggest looking at Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs and asking for feedback on how people manage issues related to the physiological, safety, and love and belonging levels of the graphic. Most people have experience in those areas and can more easily offer their perspectives and feedback. 🙂


    • Please elaborate.

      I am writing primarily about the Hero’s Journey, which by and large is based on Jungian archetypes.

      Granted, my experiences with abuse and trauma did profoundly affect my areas of safety, love/belonging, and esteem. I do write about these things from time to time. But writing about the Monomyth/Hero’s Journey delves more into the levels of knowledge/understanding of needs, self-actualization, and self transcendence, at least as I understand it.

      So what are you saying? Are you saying people focus more on lower levels of the hierarchy? Are you saying I’m writing too deep for most people? I am writing what has deeply MOVED me. If writing near the top of the hierarchy is as the meditations of a lonely hermit on the mountain top– so be it.

      Liked by 1 person

      • I think it is easier for people to respond to questions on the lower hierarchy, and that sharing answers to questions on the upper levels of the hierarchy requires a level of confidence and feeling of safety that most people don’t have.

        I am in no way suggesting that you change your focus or write in a way that is not honest and true to yourself and what moves you. I was just offering a suggestion as to how you might engage more interaction. 🙂


        • It must be a paradox.

          Does that make sense? Through trauma and abuse, my body didn’t belong to me. It was beaten, used. I did not feel safe growing up. There were plenty of times that I did NOT feel loved. I never felt like I belonged- ever. So asking these questions, somehow, they feel paradoxically unsafe.

          So I am puzzled, genuinely puzzled when people get angry at the universe, the god of Abraham, or whatever. For me, that is all I had. I don’t know how I didn’t think that the universe or the divine hated me- I just somehow didn’t.

          Liked by 1 person

        • It makes a great deal of sense.


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