the tao of jaklumen

the path of the sage must become the path of the hero

The Female Hero’s Journey: Vasilisa the Beautiful


I heard this wonderful tale of Vasilia the Beautiful from my own dear wife.  When I learned that this story was considered an example of the Hero’s Journey from the female perspective, I asked her to share it for you, dear readers, as well.

After you listen to her storytelling and read my explanation here, please visit her storytelling blog at Cimmy’s Stories.

As seen at

Baba-Yaga flying in her mortar

Now of course, Baba Yaga here is an example of the crone archetype.  There is much interpretation about this Wise Woman figure, and why Baba Yaga is described as she is– helpful to the worthy, but terrible to the foolish.  This explanation at Myths and Legends by E2BN  is one I like, more or less saying that changing attitudes towards magic and the role of the Wise Woman. may explain this dual regard.

Vasilisa the Brave

Vasilisa is the maiden, of course, and her tale is one telling of the Heroine’s Journey, even as a cultural telling of the passage into womanhood, just as examples of the Hero’s Journey represent cultural tellings of the path to manhood.  (Robert Bly and the men’s movement went more into this, which I may touch on later.)

As is fairly typical of other tales of the Woman’s Journey (including Cinderella and Snow White), the Known world is a domestic prison of sorts, with the Guide also serving as Captor; Vasilia’s stepmother forces her to do menial labor.  The stepmother is actually a reworked role: it actually represents jealousy and conflict from the birth mother.  Cimmorene tells me that older stories show a shift in that same mother from love to envy, instead of her death and replacement by another mother figure.  Bly in particular says that stepmother is effectively a codeword.

The Call to Adventure comes with Vasilisa’s stepmother compelling her to go to Baba Yaga’s house to fetch a candle.  As Baba Yaga is a known bogey[wo]man who will eat foolish children with her iron teeth, she hopes that Vasilisa will be summarily devoured.

Vasilisa and her doll

The Supernatural Aid at the Threshold comes from the doll given to her by her mother, that is, it is a talisman.  As Vasilisa feeds it a bit of food, the doll comforts her and promises to help her on the journey.

by MiloNeuman at DeviantArt, fair use

Vasilisa encounters three horsemen

In the Woman Hero’s Journey, Crossing the Threshold is sometimes known as “The Fortunate Fall” (that is, it is a release from the Captor), and  the special or Unknown World is known as the “Green World”.  For Vasilisa, it is the path through the woods to Baba Yaga’s house, where she sees three horsemen, one red, one white, and one black, each representing in turn dawn, daybreak, and nightfall.

The road of trials, or “Imprisonment in Domestic Enclosures” comes when Vasilisa finally meets Baba Yaga, and the old crone gives her impossible chores, or tasks, to complete.  Vasilisa despairs but once again, as she feeds her mother’s doll, it says that it will help her, and it does.  This continues until Baba Yaga challenges her to ask a question, and Vasilisa asks about the horsemen.  Baba Yaga is thrilled to answer, since she hates answering questions about herself.

But Baba Yaga asks how Vasilisa completed her tasks.  The maiden’s answer of “by my mother’s love” is an expression of “Discovery of Mother”.  The implication is that a woman is her own mother, or that the power of mother is within her.

Baba Yaga banishes Vasilisa

The mention of love disgusts Baba Yaga, so she dismisses her to fetch her light and return home.  She fetches a glowing skull that burns her stepmother (and her stepsisters) to ashes.  The Temptation to Regressive Return is conquered, and she is free to leave her home on her own.

Vasilisa and the tsar

Discovery of Female Tradition/Community is the next step, and Vasilisa finds this in an old woman in the next town who takes her in as her own daughter and teaches her to spin and weave.  The final stage, the Release of Creativity, and The Ascension of the New Mother comes in the wonderous fabric that so impresses the tsar and brings her marriage to him.  The end, of course, is “World Transformed”, which is a New Family or Community of One; as a Princess especially, she has authority and leadership as such.

I leave the interpretation to you, dear readers.  This tale has been interpreted many times, by many different scholars, including those of folklore, anthropology, and feminism.

What does the Female Hero’s Journey, and the tale of Vasilisa, the Beautiful, the Brave, and the Wise say to you?

Author: jaklumen

Wherever you see "jaklumen", that's me- the username is still unique as of the current year. Be aware that the facet you see, is only a small part of the me that is me.

11 thoughts on “The Female Hero’s Journey: Vasilisa the Beautiful

  1. This exciting tale tells me one thing very clearly: one has to press on and sometimes resort to drastic measures– especially if you run into somebody named Baba Yaga!! : )


  2. I had heard one explanation that the story of Baba Yaga was a metaphor for the revolution about Mother Russia eating her children. In english speaking countries, before about 1900, the womenfolk were owned outright by their spouses, just like the family cow!


  3. I think the story symbolizes that we draw inner strength from times we were loved and from people we loved. That can never be taken from us by any later events. Instead, that inner strength is added to by all events we meet and overcome in our lives. As long as we remember and do honor to the good things in our lives, we will always find our way free of any traps.


    • That certainly puts a different perspective on how we would define a hero, wouldn’t it? I like your interpretation; it’s very in line with the usual purpose of fairy tales and other folklore: to transmit the values and beliefs of a society.

      Liked by 1 person

      • A hero could be anyone who rises above their own past, pulls their feet from the tar and shines in the sun.


        • I agree, Brenda! This is my goal: to show that the Hero’s Journey isn’t just a way to write a story (especially when Christopher Vogler did his memo for Disney)– it’s truly a reflection of our lives. Anyone can be a hero, by ways that you’ve said right here. We struggle, but we eventually overcome. It isn’t always elegant– but I’ll bet you dollars to donuts the real people behind the old stories were just as human; those aspects just got glossed over with each retelling.


        • Yes, and the best heroes have flaws. Just not too many. 🙂


        • Possibly. I think the mark of a hero is someone succeeding despite their flaws. Or someone that succeeds, and doesn’t let their flaws define them. Lots of interpretation here, I’m sure.


        • So many ways to write a great story. Or ways to interpret life in a positive way. 🙂


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