the tao of jaklumen

the path of the sage must become the path of the hero

Valentine’s Day 2012


Valentine cake

Valentine’s Day 2012, a set on Flickr.

Cimmy makes the best cakes. This one was made with a cake mix she put together with some cake flour we got from my grandparents.

So you don’t need to even care about St. Val’s day– just think, “Cimmy makes great-tasting cakes.” Try to ignore the red and heart motifs if you need to 😉

Via Flickr:
Hearts, candy, good food, and all that mushy stuff.

Or not. Be surprised, dear viewers.

Added a photo to that set:
Cake left behind
Now I’m sure someone can put some sardonic wit to that photo…

Author: jaklumen

Wherever you see "jaklumen", that's me- the username is still unique as of the current year. Be aware that the facet you see, is only a small part of the me that is me.

4 thoughts on “Valentine’s Day 2012

  1. I love all of the Valentine stuff.

    The older Jordan gets the more mad I get at myself for not putting forth the effort needed to make ‘special days’ special. So, now here he is at the ripe old age of 16 and there is no way he could care less about any special day. Well, except for the sweet stuff that I make.

    Oh well, I can be mad at myself and waste that energy or I can just tell myself that I will do a better job with my grandkids—should Jordan ever have kids of his own.

    I got your mail the other day. I love Cimmy and Boy’s artwork. When I was a kid and wanted to be creative I would take a pencil and draw random shapes (usually starting with a figure 8) and make a paper full of shapes to be colored with no colors allowed to be next to each other. Fun little doodles but none were ever kept or shared. Long and short of this: Cimmy and Boy now have artwork out amongst the public.


    • I keep adding photos to that set, hehe. I had Cimmy frost the leftovers.

      You’ve heard this dozens of times about your son, but I’ll say it again: he’s perfectly normal and I’m sure you did fine! Speaking as a man who was once a boy, I am sure of it. Do tell yourself that you’ll do a better job with grandkids– because grandparents are SUPPOSED to spoil.

      See, I wish my mother might have done more, but she was raised in a “pull up by your bootstraps” sort of home. But that gives me plenty of opportunities to tell Cimmy how much I appreciate her attention. I’ll bet Jordan can do the same, too, y’know?

      I am glad that you got our letter and enjoyed the artwork. We all have samples of artwork floating out somewhere in the world… because that’s what we did the last time we were involved in a pen pal project. It’s why we were so tickled to be able to do it again. Boy really loved your valentine, and he and Cimmy loved the stickers. I am not sure if Princess is aware of hers… Cimmy put it in her Portal-themed Valentine box (she also made Portal-themed Valentine cards. Err, Portal is a video game.)


  2. That cakes looks very good. Thanks for sharing.


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