the tao of jaklumen

the path of the sage must become the path of the hero

Weekly Photo Challenge Bonus: Toy Modifications


I considered some other photographs for the challenge, and here were two that brought back warm memories for me.  They involve modifications to toys!

My pickaxe!

Princess wanted her pickaxe to look like a diamond one

This modification was done by my daughter, who is positively obsessed with Minecraft, and wanted this foam toy made by ThinkGeek to look more upgraded.  If you click through the photo to see the image at Flickr, you’ll find the description to find out how she did it; she wrote it up herself.

Now, I take full responsibility for the next obsession and modification.

Slimer Mr. Potato Head

I modified a spare Mr. Potato Head body with fluorescent green paint so it would look like Slimer from the Real Ghostbusters series.

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Author: jaklumen

Wherever you see "jaklumen", that's me- the username is still unique as of the current year. Be aware that the facet you see, is only a small part of the me that is me.

5 thoughts on “Weekly Photo Challenge Bonus: Toy Modifications

  1. You should contact the Potato Head people and pitch the idea of a Slimer version to them. That’s genius!!


  2. The Slimer is very cute!


    • Oh hiya Jack… thanks for stopping by!

      Matt has a good idea that I’d thought of but haven’t taken initiative on yet. I think I will contact Hasbro, show them the photo, and see what happens.


      • Since it has been documented here, you can prove the date, although the flip side is that one might now regard the idea as being in the public domain. Still, there’s no harm in seeing where this takes you—I’d love for your idea to be realized.


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