the tao of jaklumen

the path of the sage must become the path of the hero

Google Plus.


Although my rose-tinted glasses are off, I think, as far as Google is concerned, I was interested in the Plus service. So I got an invite and joined the Field Trial when openings were available (I was told 21-23h Eastern Time Zone is ideal).

Before you wade through my juggernaut-ish train of thought, I thought Jack Yan summed up privacy concerns about Google Plus pretty well. Although Google repeats “Don’t be evil” almost like a religious mantra, they are a corporation, and the bulk of their revenue is in advertising. I can’t say I’m surprised, but follow Jack’s blog further if you are curious on how Google follows its privacy policies in practice.

Read more at TechsWrite…

Author: jaklumen

Wherever you see "jaklumen", that's me- the username is still unique as of the current year. Be aware that the facet you see, is only a small part of the me that is me.

4 thoughts on “Google Plus.

  1. Hey- I need your address! Email me at my user name at gmail!


  2. Jak!
    I’m late arriving here…Goggle+ seems good so far, but all these things have good and bad, I guess.
    I appreciate your tech posts about it.
    I still like the ability to customize WP…would miss that. But Goggle+ is light and fast and the circles are handy.
    Since I can’t keep current anywhere, apparently, I might as well try to be both places.


    • Well, there’s a small community of ex-Voxers that really seem to like it. Ross (who gave me the invite that allowed me to join) posts there a lot more often than at his Rossotron blog.

      It’s microblogging like Twitter and Facebook, but is different from them both. Since there are no mindless games to grind and no 140 character limits, I think Google+ will suit me better than those, although I really prefer traditional long-form blogging.


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