the tao of jaklumen

the path of the sage must become the path of the hero

Lawn & Garden 2014


Electric Chipper/ShredderThe mulch on the treeJak and Boy in front of the tree

Lawn & Garden 2014, a set on Flickr.

This is what I got done this past weekend.

I’m sorry the format isn’t better– I’m using Flickr’s existing share code to post this quickly, because I just don’t have the energy.

Via Flickr:
With the month of March comes preparation for spring, including getting the lawn and garden ready.

We had a mild winter this year, so I don’t think any delays (i.e., things normally done in the fall) should affect things too much.

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Author: jaklumen

Wherever you see "jaklumen", that's me- the username is still unique as of the current year. Be aware that the facet you see, is only a small part of the me that is me.

6 thoughts on “Lawn & Garden 2014

  1. I’ll be glad when I can see my grass. It’s still a snow here!


    • We had a very mild, dry winter. The small bits of snow we had in December and February melted fast, sometimes within the day.

      Hopefully we won’t have a drought.


  2. You were a lot more productive than me!


  3. Glad you were able to get out there in spite of your pain. Hopefully you did not overdo. It’s hard not to. I am so jealous that you have sticks and you can see the ground. It’s going to take a long time for the snow to melt here in MA. It does not help that we’re getting another storm on Wednesday. Porque???? NO MAS!


    • My kids were so much help! Once they finally saw it in action, they got working pretty fast. My son thought of Annoying Orange: “Hey stick! Shredder!” and my daughter thought of Om Nom.

      I’m pleased to say they were careful under my supervision and I think they understood the safety precautions. (I already nipped a few fingertips with a food processor– long story– and don’t want that EVER happening again.)

      And if I could somehow get the moisture to come over here, I would… but it doesn’t seem to work that way.


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