the tao of jaklumen

the path of the sage must become the path of the hero

Zero to Hero Day 1: Enter the jaklumen


The day 1 assignment is to write and publish a “who I am and why I’m here” post.

Who am I?

That’s a fun question.  I go by the name “jaklumen” on the Internet.  It’s actually unique, so if you look up that username, I can pretty much assure you that the search hits refer to something I wrote.

Isn’t it safer to go by more than one pseudonym?

I have had a few online stalkers and harassers, and it seemed to me that they targeted me for reasons other than an easy-to-follow electronic trail.  Sure, it might make me easy to track, but I’d rather people know that “jaklumen” is really me, which you might not get trying to search me for my real name.  What you see online is generally what you’ll get in person.

How did you come up with “jaklumen”?

“Lumen” is the first track on Mannheim Steamroller’s album Fresh Aire V.  It became the first psuedonym I used on the Internet around 1994 or so, after I decided to use something other than initials, or my real names with an initial; which were standard practices at the time.

I’m a gamer, and I was a gamer when the term was more associated with pen-and-paper RPGs like Dungeons & Dragons than the pixelated console and computer variety.  My long-time Game/Dungeon Master introduced me to a superhero RPG based on the GURPS system called SuperGURPS and asked me to make a character.  I was a fan of Paul Hogan’s Crocodile Dundee character and thought it’d be fun to base a superhero off that concept.  Besides, I couldn’t think of any particular Aussie superheroes in the comic books!  My friend wanted a name and wasn’t satisfied with just “Lumen”.  Off the cuff, I thought that Jack would be a common enough name for an Aussie (no, not Mick or Bruce!) and went with that.  Besides, I have a grandfather named Jack, and the combination sounded good.

I decided to bring the name online and it got shortened to “jaklumen” over time.  Actually, though, I’ve still used “Jack Lumen” online, such as Google’s recent insistence on “real” names.

Why am I here?

I started blogging in 2003, and WordPress is my third blogging platform.  If you’re wondering how and why I started blogging, see the A 10-year Blogging Journey: The beginning and A 10-year Blogging Journey: The hidden beginning posts.  (Please be aware that I talk about issues of abuse in the “hidden beginning” post.)

I started at LiveJournal, which, best I can understand, was initially aimed at writer’s circles and cultures (including geek culture and gaming) that intersected with writing.  I was drawn in by the Camarilla (now known as Mind’s Eye Society, I believe), who did Live Action Role Play (LARP) in White Wolf Gaming Studio’s World of Darkness setting.  A lot of Camarilla members were using LiveJournal as diaries/journals for their characters, as well as themselves.

What do I hope to accomplish with the Zero to Hero challenge?

Well, I do enjoy writing– supposedly, I’m good at it.  I’d like to connect more with the WordPress community and see if there are other bloggers that are interested in what I have to say… and to find bloggers with similar ideas.  The possibilities are pretty endless, I think.

That’s it, dear readers!

(Yep, that’s an anachronistic expression I use a lot in my blogging.  It’s probably one of the few things I admire about Victorian culture, that phrase in literature from that period.)
I'm a Zero to Hero Blogger!
If you’d like to learn about the Zero to Hero blogging challenge, click here or click on the badge in my sidebar.

Please send my wife and her blog some Hero love, too: The Dragon’s Lair Goes Zero to Hero

and thank you once again to Flamingo Dancer for letting me know about this challenge.

Author: jaklumen

Wherever you see "jaklumen", that's me- the username is still unique as of the current year. Be aware that the facet you see, is only a small part of the me that is me.

8 thoughts on “Zero to Hero Day 1: Enter the jaklumen

  1. Fun challenge! I also had a livejournal, before I was introduced to “the blogging world”. My first blog was Miss Misery Smiles on blogger, and then I became Sarcastica, which I actually really miss but decided to shed that skin when I became a mom, I went through two more aliases until I found The Fevered Pen. I go by my initials for twitter and instagram.


  2. the one thing that kinda sucks for a lot of bloggers is that very few groups move from one platform to the next ; ‘friends’ from livejournal don’t tend to follow a writer when they move on to WordPress….Is Livejournal even alive anymore or is it a pretty much dead platform?


    • Yeah, I have noticed that communities on particular platforms tend to stay within those platforms, and some bloggers don’t read/follow others on outside platforms.

      This happened when VOX closed– a fair number decided to migrate here to WordPress, while others decided to go with SixApart’s other offering, TypePad. For the most part, I lost touch with anyone that stayed with TypePad. I still get e-mails from Vu at We Heart Music (which is on TypePad) but that’s mostly because I collaborated for him on that blog.

      LiveJournal is still going strong– I believe their biggest standout right now is the “Oh No, They Didn’t!” community, which I think is just pop culture dish/gossip. As it’s owned by a Russian company now, it should come as no surprise that many bloggers who use it are Russian (and there’s actually a long history of LJ being very popular in Russia). Some of the LJ developers broke away and formed a very similar platform called Dreamwidth, so some LJ bloggers went there.


  3. This is pretty cool, Jak. You know, I’m not getting notifications of your blog posts even though I subscribed. boo. Am I missing a place to sign up to receive emails of your posts?


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